Thursday, August 6, 2009

one long random update on us

We ended July and Started August with an insane heat wave here in WA. I mean it was just crazy. SeaTac airport hit 103*! Tacoma hit 105*. That is just to hot if you ask me. Our poor house just wouldn't cool off. I snaped this picture on one of the cooler days. We AC hopped on the hotter days from house to house trying to keep cool. We stayed at Dads house overnight and then headed to Tenino on another day. Thanks to Devin and Jordan, Cole now thinks its a cool thing to get his face wet in the pool and will even plug his nose and go under for a few seconds! David was lucky enough to have a few days off so we enjoyed the warm weather with him.

Parker got glasses! I noticed right before school let out that he was moving closer to the tv and moving books out and in to focus better. Thankfully he has friends at school and cousins with glasses so its a cool thing to him.

I had a whim today to make Madi a skirt and bandanna. I was insanely jealous of the twins bandanas at our family reunion that I had to make one for Madi as well.

I took the kids blackberry picking and we came home with 26cups of blackberries. Half of them ended up as jam, the other half will be split between a blackberry pie tonight and blackberry cobbler on our camping trip this weekend. The kids loved walking along the river and picking all the berries. I think they ate more then they picked but they were happy and having a good time. Sometimes that is all that matters.

We had our annual family reunion a few weeks back. It was a blast! Uncle Freddy(as most of the kids call him) was in charge this year. We had a family BBQ and movie night Friday night. We all slept down in Tenino between Freds house and Daves. Our Saturday was a fun filled pirate adventure out in Westport. Thanks to some great planning by Crazy Aunt Debbie the kids had a tresure hunt. Comnplete with pirate gear for all, clues that took them all over the beach and a massive dig for a treasure box filled with all sorts of goodies.

Cole wanted nothing to do with mustaches,bandannas, or eye patches. He was happy to have his shades and his camp chair. Parker & Madi on the other hand loved the get ups!