Saturday, December 27, 2008

Merry Christmas!

Before the kids woke up. Those red packages are Santa presents which included A Wii, Wii Fit, the coolest game-Outdoor Challenge and a Cabbage Patch Doll for Madi. That doll cradle right there was mine when I was a child. It was so fun to hunt it down in my Dads house and pass it on to Madi.

The stockings that I whipped out in two days. Mine disappeared somewhere in this house. Never to be seen again. That's okay though because I am much happier with these.

They got up around 7ish and the stocking were the first thing they got to open.

Yep, that's the hot chocolate stash, well some of it anyway. I think I have 4 more in the cupboard. We like variety around here.

The breakfast spread


Brent Hope said...

Those are great pictures. I like the breakfast spread. Oh and the hot chocolate. Stephens is soooo good!