Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Proud Mommy Moment

Last week, while visiting with Coles teacher she let me in on something that had happened during school that day. She said it almost brought tears to her eyes. Immedietly I thought oh goodness what did Cole do now. You never know with him. Well turns out they had been reading a story about a little girl that wants everything, but isn't thankful for anything. At the conclusion of the story the teacher was asking the kids what they were thankful for. Almost all of the kids were saying whatever new toy they got for christmas, there bikes etc. Then she asked Cole what he was thankful for, his reply "Madi". These two have such a love/hate relationship. They are either very good friend or very bitter enemies. On that same day I found them snuggled up on the couch sharing a bowl fo goldfish crackers and Madi's sippy cup. I hope they grow up to be the best of friends and not bitter enemies.