Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Because I bake

Because I bake and because I have a nice fancy camera that doesn't get near enough use, I thought that I would blog today about cupcakes. Not just any cupcakes either, these are probably the best most eye appealing cupcakes I have ever made. Spurred something in me too, I have lots of cupcakes bookmarked now and waiting in the wing to try out. 
They started out like this. Pretty ugly if you ask me. That's graham cracker cake,with graham cracker crumbs and then chocolate cake with more graham cracker crumbs.  I then topped those with some yummy dark chocolate genache. I still wasn't done though. My next step made them look like this...

That is one pretty cupcake if I do say so myself.

That's homemade marshmallow frosting! So yummy!
Oh and the best part about these, I had to buy a culinary torch to toast that marshmallow frosting! Creme Brulee here I come!


Shauna said...

Krysten you are like an official foodie now! You own a blow torch, can't wait til I'm that good! Those cupcakes look AMAZING!!!!!!!

Brent Hope said...

You didn't make these. I've seen these pictures all over the internet (sourcing from Peru). OK. I'm lying. These are awesome and I'm just jealous cause I don't have any.